Mom: “Hold my hand.”
Me: “No, you hold mine.”
Mom: “What’s the difference?”
Me: “If I hold yours and something happens, I might accidentally let go, but if you hold mine, I know for sure you won’t let go.”
A mother’s love is the most powerful force on earth.
Dear Mom,
No matter how many times I say thank you, I know it’ll never be enough.
Your commitment, your dedication, your sacrifice, and your love for me can never be matched. No matter how long I work, how much I give you, or how hard I try, it’ll never come close to what you’ve done for me and had to give up for me in order for me to be where I am today.
A mother’s love is like nothing else in the world.
It’s both strong and gentle.
Loud and quiet.
Unrelenting and yielding.
Protecting and releasing.
Demanding and unassuming.
It’s one thing in one moment, and another in the next moment. It changes with a child’s needs, but is always there. Unmoving.
As a child, I took a lot of the things you did for granted. As a child, you allowed me to make mistakes. As a child I didn’t fully understand how fortunate I was to have you as my mother.
A mother’s love helps her do the absolute best she can, and that’s good enough
As an adult, I still make the mistake of sometimes taking you for granted. As an adult, I learned from my mistakes. As an adult, every day I realize more and more just how blessed I am to have a mom like you.
The love of a mother says I don’t care what other people think or say about my choices. I will do what I think is best for you.
I don’t need a special day to remind me of these things.
There are no words that can describe how fortunate I am to have you as my support system, my critic, my teacher, and my friend.
I work hard everyday because even if there were no one left to stand next to me, I know 100% you’ll always be there cheering me on and after dad passed away, I made a promise to myself never to let you down again.
Thank you mom, for everything.
Happy Birthday! I love you.
Your eldest son,
- Brian