Dear Friends,
In mid-March, Governor Jay Inslee banned gatherings of more than 50 people in Washington State. Immediately, my 2020 calendar went from 100+ booked events for the remainder of the year to none.
Thankfully, I had two other businesses / income streams that were also affected, but not completely shut down. However, the revenue loss from events is easily 90% of our annual income.
I, just like everyone else who was affected by this had (and still has) two choices:
Cry, whine, complain, make excuses, lock themselves in a room, binge-watch TV shows, and wait for someone to hopefully come along and fix their situation,
Face the tsunami that was about to crash into my world head-on and not allow it to kill my business.
Throughout life, tsunamis come in different shapes and sizes. Some don’t leave a lasting impact more than a few days, and some are more manageable than others.
However, some come in a size so overwhelming, it can destroy everything you’ve worked your whole life for in only a few minutes.
I knew in March that things would not get back to normal in April or May like they said. I needed to change my entire business plan, approach, and attack plan as quickly as I could.
I found a way to convert my existing business into something that could replace the lost income, but also help other individuals and struggling businesses get through this pandemic. I was able to successfully transition into a marketing agency that helps people find creative ways to advertise their business and generate revenue in new ways.
My goal is to continue serving others and to help as many people as I can face their tsunami. I hope that whatever you are currently going through, that you don’t allow it to determine what happens to you tomorrow.
Even in the darkest of days, there is always hope. If you are feeling stuck in your business, please feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to and brainstorm with. I would love to see how I can support you and your current endeavors!
With Love,
Brian Franada, Founder
Reign Management Group