Dear Friends,
They say that everything happens for a reason.
People, things, events, come and go to serve its purpose. 2020 was definitely full of lessons and for that we should all be grateful.
But how many lessons did we actually learn?
There’s something about a new day, a new month, and best of all, a new year that makes us look to the past so we can start anew.
I would like to share the lessons I learned from the year 2020, and hopefully by writing this down it helps me to remember them this year.
I learned that we have no control over anything but ourselves.
Even myself, I have no control of my body. I got COVID. I took all the precautions not to get it, but still I contracted it. I had no control as to how people would react to my COVID situation.
Some people left me during that time, while others showed support and sent help. Tough times such as these can test the character and the relationships of the people around us.
What I know is that even though you can’t control other people, I have full control of my own actions.
I learned to bounce back. I remembered that despite how vulnerable life can seem to be, I have the strength and courage within myself to push forward.
There may be times where tears fall from my eyes, but crying doesn’t make me weak.
I learned this year to practice gratitude more - to be grateful to the people around me; to be grateful for the experiences; to be grateful for the things I have.
The more that we practice gratitude, the more blessed we become because we already have what we need. The more we focus on what we have, the more we feel blessed and content.
I learned this year that I am capable of anything that I put my heart into, and that I just need to put in the work.
2020 helped us to grow and learn to adapt - for that I am grateful.
Keep the light burning within!
Eileen Ramos, Team Leader / Streamer
Reign Management Group