Dear Friends,
Moving forward can be difficult when something is holding us back. Make the decision to stop being afraid.
Stop being afraid of what people may think of you, of the chance something isn’t going to work out, and of fear itself.
If I wanted to, I could list hundreds of reasons to be afraid or shy away from almost anything.
In the past, by doing so I’ve missed out on many things I came to later regret not having taken the chance on.
If we consistently look hard enough for reasons not to do something, we’ll always find one. Instead, we should embrace putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations to which it’s easier to say NO. Saying YES opens up new challenges that will otherwise pass us by.
Life constantly presents us with opportunities to grow and be more than what we already are.
Saying NO in these moments out of convenience may protect us from failure, but it is also an efficient way to prevent growth.
Of course, saying YES isn’t always going to be easy. Even though it helps us to stretch our comfort zones, learn from failures, and overcome our insecurities, it’s not as convenient as its counterpart. However, this is a reason why we should do it more often, especially if we are stuck in the habit of saying NO.
Embracing YES might not make a huge difference by tomorrow, but it will help you to consider doing it more often, eventually sending you in a new direction.
If you think back and consider things you have said YES to where it would have been easier to say NO, you will find that by doing so it led to a chain of events that led to you where you are now.
Opportunities aren’t always given to us, but rather created by the choices we make.
Look forward to looking forward!
Nicole Krenz, Intern
Reign Management Group