Dear Friends,
Whatever pain you’ve been through, whatever pain you’re going through, know that it wasn’t sent to make you weaker. Know that it was sent to make you stronger.
Trust that it wasn’t sent to beat you down, but to raise you up. Trust that it wasn’t sent to break you, but to make you.
Think of your life like a giant puzzle.
In order to complete the puzzle, the masterpiece that is your life, every piece of your puzzle is just as important as the other one
You have different shapes, different colors, and on their own, they seem random and incomplete, but together they make sense.
Once all the pieces come together, you can see the bigger picture.
You have to be able to see the bigger picture in your life, or at least have faith your puzzle will come together in time.
Use the pain in your life as fuel to take you wherever you need to go. Use the mess in your life as a blessing, to take you some place better.
Have faith and trust that some endings are sent for new beginnings.
Pain is temporary.
It may last for a minute, an hour, a day, a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take it’s place.
If I quit however, that will last forever.
Find the purpose in the pain.
Be one of the few that sees the message in the mess. Be one of the few who gain the strength through the struggle. Be one of the few who see the blessing in the lessons.
With Love,
Brian Franada, Founder
Reign Management Group